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Sensors and Actuators A: Physical




This paper introduces TendrilBot, a novel modular soft robot designed for versatile manipulation, stiffness modulation, and locomotion tasks. Built upon previously developed modular units, the TendrilBot consists of multiple actuators connected linearly in linear, cylindrical, or helix configurations. Cylindrical configurations (single row or stacked) enable the robot to wrap around objects for grasping and manipulation in a single row or stacked configuration when interconnected with the magnets on sides of the units. Additionally, such configurations further facilitate internal grasping within hollow tubes or objects holding them with its reconfigurable shape. Both wrapping and internal grasping are experimentally validated to demonstrate radial stiffness modulation and squeezing capabilities. By further rearranging these modular units, TendrilBot can transform into a robotic arm with four or more degrees of freedom, significantly enhancing its manipulative capabilities. In addition, two types of locomotion are demonstrated. When connected in a linear configuration, TendrilBot exhibits locomotion through a sinusoidal motion pattern, similar to sidewinding. When connected in a circular configuration, TendrilBot can achieve locomotion via rolling with steering capabilities, utilizing its cylindrical or helical shape, respectively. Presented are detailed design configurations and characterization of TendrilBot functionalities and capabilities. In addition, we developed a data-driven model that can accurately capture bending of the modular soft actuators, which was validated by the experimental results. Comparison with other similar modular soft robots is provided and discussed. Extensive experimental validations are performed to showcase TendrilBot's potential for diverse applications in the field of modular soft robotics.


© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
