Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


Educational Leadership, Administration, and Research


College of Education


JoAnn Manning, Ed.D.

Committee Member 1

James Coaxum, Ed.D.

Committee Member 2

Michael Farrow, Ph.D.


Critical Data Driven Decision Making; Equity Audit; School Planning


Elementary school administration; School management and organization; School improvement programs


Disability and Equity in Education | Educational Leadership | Elementary Education


This action research study aims to identify and address equity gaps within a PK-8 New Jersey school by leading a professional learning community (PLC). The study will use action research methods to conduct an educational equity audit, which will inform the annual school plan and create a leadership action plan to stimulate organizational change. Traditionally, teachers at the research site have used Data-Driven Decision Making (DDDM) cycles, but this study will integrate Critical Data-Driven Decision Making (CDDDM) cycles, including an equity audit analyzed in PLCs. The audit will identify patterns of inequity and identify strategies to address them. The study aims to drive organizational change by using equity audit data to address inequities, integrating CDDDM in annual planning to tackle inequities exacerbated by COVID-19, while analyzing participant feedback and leader reflection. The equity audit revealed key themes: clarity and comprehension, disparities in supervision, the need for a culturally responsive environment, and adult ownership and action. Integrating these themes into school planning can foster inclusive environments and promote equitable outcomes. Ultimately, the study emphasizes the proactive role of school leaders and staff in creating equitable educational environments, addressing postpandemic challenges, and aligning with the goals of the New Jersey Department of Education.
