Date of Presentation

5-6-2021 12:00 AM


School of Osteopathic Medicine

Poster Abstract

Arteriovenous fistulas (AVF) are the most common and effective method of receiving hemodialysis; However, these access techniques do not come without consequence. Aneurysmal degeneration after creation and even years after ligation of such AVF can occur. This is still considered a rare complication. A true brachial artery aneurysm has an overall incidence of 0.17% among peripheral artery aneurysms. Factors that increase incidence of this complication include trauma, age and immunosuppression. Research on this topic is becoming more prevalent, but more answers are still needed. Below is a case of brachial artery aneurysm presenting years after AVF ligation in a patient with kidney transplant.


Arteriovenous Fistula, aneurysm, brachial artery, hemodialysis


Cardiovascular Diseases | Cardiovascular System | Medicine and Health Sciences | Surgery

Document Type



May 6th, 12:00 AM

Brachial Artery Aneurysm after Arteriovenous Fistula Ligation Status Post-Kidney Transplant

Arteriovenous fistulas (AVF) are the most common and effective method of receiving hemodialysis; However, these access techniques do not come without consequence. Aneurysmal degeneration after creation and even years after ligation of such AVF can occur. This is still considered a rare complication. A true brachial artery aneurysm has an overall incidence of 0.17% among peripheral artery aneurysms. Factors that increase incidence of this complication include trauma, age and immunosuppression. Research on this topic is becoming more prevalent, but more answers are still needed. Below is a case of brachial artery aneurysm presenting years after AVF ligation in a patient with kidney transplant.


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