"A study examining social skills ratings in a special education classro" by George J. Rafferty

Date Approved


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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in School Psychology


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Dihoff, Roberta


Social skills in children--Testing; Special education--United States


Educational Psychology


The purpose of this study was to examine the degree of relationship between students' self-ratings scores and their teacher's and teacher assistant's scores. Ten students classified ED were chosen, along with a social comparison group of ten regular education students. A correlational matrix was computed to measure the degree of association between students' self-ratings and their teachers' ratings of them. The same was done for the regular education sample. Two t-tests for independent samples were used to (1) measure any differences between the ratings of the special education teacher and the regular education teacher, and (2) measure any differences between the self ratings of the students with EBD and the regular education students. Results showed significant correlations between the special education teacher's and the teacher assistant's ratings of the students with EBD in the areas of Classroom Survival Skills and Dealing with Feelings. A significant correlation was shown to exist between the regular education teacher's ratings and students' self-ratings in the area of Dealing with Stress only. A t-test for independent samples showed that students with EBD were rated lower than their regular education peers in all social skill areas. No significant differences were found between the self-rating scores of the student samples.
