"Evaluating CMSRU student clinic diabetic patients’ hemoglobin A1c valu" by Emily Rose

Graduation Year


Embargo Period


Document Type

Research Paper

Degree Name

Medical Doctor (MD)

First Advisor

Susan Cavanaugh, MLS, MPH


Education, Medical, Patient Care



Medical schools often have student-run clinics that give medical students the opportunity to have increased clinical exposure. Often, the clinics provide free or a reduced cost of care for patients and target underserved populations. Current research regarding medical student-run clinics is few and far between. The research that does exist usually targets investigating the effect of the clinics on medical student education, while fewer studies exist that target investigating the actual care that patients receive. In order to increase the number of studies investigating patient care at student-run clinics, this retrospective chart review sought to determine whether Cooper Medical School of Rowan University’s student-run clinic adequately evaluates diabetic patients’ hemoglobin A1c level through lab referrals. It also strived to determine whether patients are able to adhere to those lab referrals and whether those patients have any documented social barriers to health that are preventing them from adhering to lab services. The chart review, of 100 patients diagnosed with type II diabetes, found that students do refer patients to lab services, and that patients do go to the labs. However, patients often are lost to follow-up, and their social history is often not documented in the electronic medical record. In addition, there was no significant improvement in two consecutive hemoglobin A1c values collected from patients’ charts. These results suggest that while the clinic is adequately assessing a core measure for diabetes care, it is not adequately assessing patients’ social needs or working on improving patients’ hemoglobin A1c levels.



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