"Candida Glabrata Sepsis with Fungal Chorioamnionitis in Association wi" by Alana Birnhak

Graduation Year


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

Medical Doctor (MD)


Obstetrics and Gynecology

First Advisor

Robin Perry




We report a rare case of Candida glabrata chorioamnionitis and sepsis associated with an IVF-assisted pregnancy with the longest known period of successful antifungal treatment to date. The case report describes a 29-year-old primigravida with an IVF-assisted dichorionic-diamniotic twin pregnancy presenting at 20w4d with C. glabrata sepsis and chorioamnionitis. We utilized the 26 published cases of Candida glabrata chorioamnionitis to guide treatment. The objective of this case report is to raise awareness of complexities around the diagnosis and management of C. glabrata chorioamnionitis especially with regard to IV



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