"A Nepantla Pedagogy Comparing Anzaldúa's and Bakhtin's Ideas for Pedag" by Stephanie Abraham

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Critical Education


This paper presents a nepantlan pedagogy that would simultaneously deconstruct and construct our societal discourses while complicating teachers’ and students’ understandings of the world. This idea emerged from my experience as an elementary educator, working in linguistically, culturally, and economically diverse schools, along with my endeavor to earn a doctorate degree in education. It is heavily informed by the work of Gloria Anzaldúa’s theory of nepantla and Mikhail Bakhtin’s ideological becoming. I illustrate their respective ideas with biographies of the theorists and review of their work to show how their ideas are similar albeit from radically different contexts. I further illustrate their ideas through my personal classroom pedagogies that called for mastery, absolute knowing, and perfection, and how I attempted a nepantla pedagogy that stood contradictory to this.


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