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Engineering Research Express




Zero Poisson’s ratio structures are a new class of mechanical metamaterials wherein the absence of lateral deformations allows the structure to adapt and conform their geometries to desired shapes with minimal interventions. These structures have gained attention in large deformation applications where shape control is a key performance attribute, with examples including but not limited to shape morphing, soft robotics, and flexible electronics. The present study introduces an experimentally driven approach that leads to the design and development of (near) zero Poisson’s ratio structures with considerable load-bearing capacities through concurrent density and architecture gradations in hybrid honeycombs created from hexagonal and re-entrant cells. The strain-dependent Poisson’s ratios in hexagonal and re-entrant honeycombs with various cell wall thicknesses have been characterized experimentally. A mathematical approach is then proposed and utilized to create hybrid structures wherein the spatial distribution of different cell shapes and densities leads to the development of honeycombs with minimal lateral deformations under compressive strains as high as 0.7. Although not considered design criteria, the load-bearing and energy absorption capacities of the hybrid structures are shown to be comparable with those of uniform cell counterparts. Finally, the new hybrid structures indicate lesser degrees of instability (in the form of cell buckling and collapse) due to the self-constraining effects imposed internally by the adjacent cell rows in the structures.


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