
Author Bio

Miriam Carey has taught political science, policy studies, and general education courses to undergraduates both in Canada and abroad. She also worked as an educational developer and was the interim Director of Mount Royal University's Academic Development Centre before retiring in 2022. Miriam's interest in ontological inquiry began when she took the leadership course herself, and she developed a research project around its impact on undergraduate students of the course (published as Creating Leaders: a pilot study of an ontological/phenomenological leadership course; https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/ij-sotl/vol14/iss2/5/)


Ontological Inquiry, Faculty development, Leader, Leadership, Ontological Learning


In this essay, Miriam Carey (recently retired Full Professor of Political Science and Policy Studies at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Canada) suggests a new form of faculty development based in ontological inquiry. Challenging the dominant educational paradigm, rooted firmly in epistemological approaches, she encourages us to explore what might become possible in educational development when ontological approaches are embraced. Finally, Dr. Carey suggests some of the many benefits to both faculty and students which become available when ontology is the focus of education.
