"Problems, Solutions, and Opportunities for Engineers and Scientists" by Mary K. Barillas and Stephen P. Fernandez



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In this module, students spend time reflecting on major problems facing society today (ex: poverty, hunger, health, education, clean water/sanitation, etc). They then compare their findings to the major societal challenges identified by the United Nations through the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the National Academy of Engineering - if the class is an engineering class - or the National Academy of Sciences - if the class is a science class. Finally, the students reflect on the major career paths for students graduating with engineering/science degrees and then, more specifically, for students graduates from their college and/or university (Rowan University College of Engineering, in our case). Students then reflect on the degree to which companies that are likely to employ them, are engaged in solving the problems they previously identified. Finally, students identify other non-conventional careers where they can address some of the problems they identified.

Publication Date



Sustainable Engineering; Engineering—Vocational guidance;

Document Type

Curricular Materials






This learning module was developed as part of a 2018-2019 NEH Human Connections grant to Rowan University faculty titled Cultivating the Environmental Humanities. This content is copyright 2019 by the author and must be properly attributed (see Recommended Citation). Contact the author for reuse permission.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Problems, Solutions, and Opportunities for Engineers and Scientists

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Engineering Commons
