School of Osteopathic Medicine
c. elegans, lin-14, lin-28, heterochronic genes, degron tagging
Date of Presentation
5-2-2019 12:00 AM
Poster Abstract
Specific genes called heterochronic genes control the timing and sequence of developmental events during larval stages of C. elegans. Mutations in heterochronic genes can cause skipping or reiteration of cell fates associated with certain larval stages. lin-14 and lin-28 are two well-studied heterochronic genes. LIN-14 acts during the first larval stage (L1) and controls events of the L1 and L2 stages, LIN-28 acts during the L2 stage and controls its events.
Cell Biology | Medicine and Health Sciences | Molecular Genetics
Times of Action and Evolutionary Conservation of Heterochronic Genes
Specific genes called heterochronic genes control the timing and sequence of developmental events during larval stages of C. elegans. Mutations in heterochronic genes can cause skipping or reiteration of cell fates associated with certain larval stages. lin-14 and lin-28 are two well-studied heterochronic genes. LIN-14 acts during the first larval stage (L1) and controls events of the L1 and L2 stages, LIN-28 acts during the L2 stage and controls its events.