Rowan Digital Works - Rowan-Virtua Research Day: Amphotercin Washout of Fungal Peritonitis in Liver Transplant Recipient: A Novel Approach


School of Osteopathic Medicine


fungal infection, organ transplant, amphotericin

Date of Presentation

5-2-2019 12:00 AM

Poster Abstract

Invasive fungal infection has a significant prevalence among organ transplant patients and is associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. Fungal infection is difficult to identify early and subsequently difficult to effectively treat. In this case presentation we have a 45 y/o orthotopic liver transplant recipient who was profoundly sick from fungal peritonitis and due to the appearance of her abdomen and intestines, with the help of infectious disease, decided to proceed with direct amphotercin washout of the abdomen in the operating room. The patient had complete resolution of her fungal peritonitis and is doing well.


Fungi | Infectious Disease | Medicine and Health Sciences | Pharmaceutical Preparations


May 2nd, 12:00 AM

Amphotercin Washout of Fungal Peritonitis in Liver Transplant Recipient: A Novel Approach

Invasive fungal infection has a significant prevalence among organ transplant patients and is associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. Fungal infection is difficult to identify early and subsequently difficult to effectively treat. In this case presentation we have a 45 y/o orthotopic liver transplant recipient who was profoundly sick from fungal peritonitis and due to the appearance of her abdomen and intestines, with the help of infectious disease, decided to proceed with direct amphotercin washout of the abdomen in the operating room. The patient had complete resolution of her fungal peritonitis and is doing well.


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