Rowan Digital Works - Rowan-Virtua Research Day: Effect of Calcium Chloride and Isoflurane on Force Frequency Relationship in Canines


School of Osteopathic Medicine


Calcium Chloride, Isoflurane, Heart Failure, Cardiac Function, Dogs

Date of Presentation

5-5-2022 12:00 AM

Poster Abstract

Proper calcium cycling is critical for a optimally functioning heart.

Improper calcium cycling in humans can contribute to heart failure.

Human calcium cycling is difficult to study due to the risks of damaging the patient’s cardiac tissue.

Risk of further damaging cardiac tissue is substantially increased in a heart failure patient.

Past studies focus on studying the effects of changing calcium cycling in lab rats.

Current research shows limited alternative methods in studying relationships between calcium cycling and FFR in larger mammals.

This project analyzes data to determine the response of the canine force frequency relationship to calcium chloride and isoflurane infusion.


Animal Experimentation and Research | Cardiology | Inorganic Chemicals | Medicine and Health Sciences | Organic Chemicals | Physiological Processes


May 5th, 12:00 AM

Effect of Calcium Chloride and Isoflurane on Force Frequency Relationship in Canines

Proper calcium cycling is critical for a optimally functioning heart.

Improper calcium cycling in humans can contribute to heart failure.

Human calcium cycling is difficult to study due to the risks of damaging the patient’s cardiac tissue.

Risk of further damaging cardiac tissue is substantially increased in a heart failure patient.

Past studies focus on studying the effects of changing calcium cycling in lab rats.

Current research shows limited alternative methods in studying relationships between calcium cycling and FFR in larger mammals.

This project analyzes data to determine the response of the canine force frequency relationship to calcium chloride and isoflurane infusion.


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