Rowan Digital Works - Rowan-Virtua Research Day: Case Report: Unintentional Edible THC Ingestion (Gummi Worms) in a Child


School of Osteopathic Medicine


Cannabis, Cannabinoids, Edible THC, Pediatrics

Date of Presentation

5-5-2022 12:00 AM

Poster Abstract

We report the case of a 4 year male who presented to the ED with what his mother described as unusual fatigue and sleepiness. The mother related that family and friends had some to her house for a holiday gathering and that one of the guests had an accessible and open handbag that contained gummi worm THC. The guest observed the child eating the gummi worms and immediately notified the patient’s mother. Poison control was contacted. The child was observed for 6 hours and left the ED in good condition without any specific treatment needed. Awareness of the potential of unintentional edible cannabis in the pediatric population is important.


Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Emergency Medicine | Medicine and Health Sciences | Pediatrics


May 5th, 12:00 AM

Case Report: Unintentional Edible THC Ingestion (Gummi Worms) in a Child

We report the case of a 4 year male who presented to the ED with what his mother described as unusual fatigue and sleepiness. The mother related that family and friends had some to her house for a holiday gathering and that one of the guests had an accessible and open handbag that contained gummi worm THC. The guest observed the child eating the gummi worms and immediately notified the patient’s mother. Poison control was contacted. The child was observed for 6 hours and left the ED in good condition without any specific treatment needed. Awareness of the potential of unintentional edible cannabis in the pediatric population is important.


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