"Novel Hysterotomy for a Fibroid Uterus" by Ashni Nadgauda, Sarah Dreibelbis et al.

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Fibroids are a common benign tumor located in the female reproductive tract and affect up to 10 percent of women, leading to challenges during cesarean section. Few cases of myomectomy at the time of cesarean section have been described and most describe uteri with only a few fibroids present. Our case describes a 39 year old G1P0101female with extensive fibroids including large fibroids located at the lower uterine segment. This patient underwent cesarean section and myomectomy at 27 weeks and five days gestation with a fundal, vertical hysterotomy, extending from the anterior to posterior wall of uterus. This is the first case described in the literature of a cesarean section performed on a uterus with innumerable intramural fibroids and first case documented of a fundal, anterior to posterior hysterotomy.

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