"Impact of the lack of sleep on academic performance in college student" by Tammy L. Hampton

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in School Psychology


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Klanderman, John

Committee Member 1

Dihoff, Roberta


College students--Psychology--New Jersey; Sleep--Physiological aspects--New Jersey


Educational Psychology


The purpose of this study was to research the effects that sleep has on a college student's academic performance, measured by the student's self-reported grade point average (GPA), and to examine whether there is a difference between graduate students' and undergraduate students' results. 136 students at Rowan University in southern New Jersey, 61 graduate students and 75 undergraduate students, were asked to complete a short survey on their sleep habits, demographic information, self-reported GPA, and average number of hours of sleep per night that they received. An independent Two-Way ANOVA was then performed to analyze the information indicating the following results. With a high significance the number of hours of sleep that a college student receives does have effect on their GPA. It was found that the more sleep that the student receives, the higher their GPA will be. There was also a high significance showing that graduate students reported a higher average GPA than did undergraduate students. However, the average amount of sleep received per night was the same between both sets of students and the researcher found no significance with the interaction of class level and sleep on GPA.
