"Applying the social norms approach at Rowan University and its effecti" by Dawn McGinty

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in School Psychology


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Klanderman, John


Counseling in higher education--New Jersey; Drinking behavior--New Jersey


Educational Psychology


The social norms approach, being noted for its effectiveness in reducing misperceptions and changing drinking behaviors, has been implemented in college campuses across the United States. This approach was implemented at Rowan University, a public institution located in southern New Jersey, in 1999. The purpose of the current study was to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the social norms campaign at Rowan University in correcting misperceptions and reducing actual drinking norms on campus. The Core Campus Survey of Alcohol and Other Drug Norms was the survey used to measure the perceived and actual use of alcohol and other drugs on campus. Baseline data was collected in 1998 prior to the implementation of the social norms approach and the survey was also administered to a random sample of Rowan University students in the spring of 1999-2004. This study found a significant reduction in perceived binge drinking; although, there was not a significant decrease in self- reported rates of binge drinking. After twelve semesters, there was a 9.58% decrease in the perceived campus drinking norms and a 6.84% decline in the number of students who self-reported rates of binge drinking.
