"The effects of small group mathematical instruction" by Theresa A. Storms

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in Elementary Education


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Robinson, Randall


Education, Elementary--Research; Mathematics--Study and teaching (Elementary)


Elementary Education and Teaching


The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of small group mathematical instruction when compared to whole group mathematical instruction. The participants of the study consisted of 35 first grade students from two intact classes from a suburban school district in New Jersey. The control group included 21 students who received whole group mathematical instruction. The experimental group included 14 students who received small group mathematical instruction. All students were pre-tested, instructed in mathematics, and post-tested in their respective groups.

This study hypothesized that first grade students who received small group mathematical instruction would show a higher significant gain when tested compared to first grade students who had not received small group mathematical instruction when pretest and post test scores were compared.

The results of a t test analysis indicated that students who received small group mathematical instruction did not show a higher significant gain. The results indicated no significant differences between the control group and the experimental group when the pre-tests and the post-tests were compared.
