"Changing school culture: a primary literacy initiative, all hands on d" by Veronica Boone-Gbesi

Date Approved


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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Supervision and Curriculum Development


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Johnson, Ted


Literacy--Study and teaching (Primary)


Curriculum and Instruction


The purpose of this study was to implement the balanced literacy approach to reading instruction for two-hundred sixteen kindergarten through third graders, as a means of increasing student achievement, focusing instruction school wide, and creating a collaborative instructional culture. Data to evaluate the study took the forms of teacher surveys and reflective essays, screening and progress monitoring assessments and standardized test results. Teacher surveys and reflections were collected and analyzed for consistent patterns, professional development needs, and/or areas of growth. The teacher responses were used to direct professional development workshops, and as a diagnostic tool to ascertain the need for large group or grade level meetings. Data was collected and interpreted for each assessment. The teachers and literacy coach analyzed the data for patterns, growth, knowledge gaps, and resource needs amongst the student population. Student data was analyzed for each student, for each classroom and for each grade level. Teaching strategies, student activities and flexible grouping were modified regularly to meet academic needs. Based on the current data, 32% of the students are reading below grade level.
