"The No More Bullies Club: will it reduce bullying in school?" by Diane R. Brennan-Bernstein

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Degree Name

M.A. in School Administration


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Johnson, Ted


Bullying in schools--Prevention; Aggressiveness in children


Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a new 8th grade anti-bullying club, the No More Bullies Club, which served the 5th and 6th grades in the West Deptford Middle School. In this club, 8th grade club members planned and taught anti-bullying lessons to 5th and 6th grade students.

The sample for this study consisted of approximately 300 students in grades five and six in this suburban middle school. The procedure for data collection was a feedback session conducted by the classroom teacher after each lesson taught by the club members. After the feedback session, the data analysis was completed by taking the notes from the teachers and analyzing the general trend for the responses to each question asked in the session.

The major findings of this study indicate that the No More Bullies Club did fulfill its purpose in helping to reduce bullying at the West Deptford Middle School. As a result, the intern concluded that the No More Bullies Club should continue next year and be expanded to include the 7th grade population as well.
