"The use of blocking software or Internet filters in southern New Jerse" by Suzi I. Freedman

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in School and Public Librarianship


Special Educational Services/Instruction


College of Education


Shontz, Marilyn


Internet access for library users--New Jersey; Internet--Censorship; Public libraries--Censorship--New Jersey


Library and Information Science


The purpose of this study was to determine if public libraries in southern New Jersey have installed blocking software or filters on their Internet computers and, specifically, to find out what types of filters or blocking software they were currently using in their libraries. The study wanted to see how satisfied librarians were with their filters or blocking software. The study also looked at whether or not public libraries in southern New Jersey have written Acceptable Use Policies which define access to the Internet for some or all of their patrons, including children under the age of eighteen. Finally, the study examined whether or not public librarians were aware of Federal regulations including the Children's Internet Protection Act. This applied research design employed mailed questionnaires to collect data from 67 public libraries in southern New Jersey. Analysis of the data revealed that many smaller public libraries have not installed filters or blocking software on their Internet computers. Approximately half the libraries surveyed were utilizing filters or blocking software on their Internet computers for either adults or children under the age of eighteen.
