"Use of online technologies by higher education public relations practi" by Mary Elizabeth Erwin Hegel

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Degree Name

M.A. in Public Relations


Public Relations & Advertising


Ric Edelman College of Communication & Creative Arts


Fulginiti, Anthony


Internet; Public relations--Computer networks


Public Relations and Advertising


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the use of online technologies by university public relations specialists, and the PR professionals' perceived preference for their use by media, internal and external audiences. The research also looked at other aspects of online technology use by university practitioners such as Web site content and emerging technologies.

The researcher collected primary data through a cross-sectional, self-administered questionnaire, designed for this study. The author gathered information for the survey from a literature review of Rowan University databases, scholarly journals, books and Internet searches. The survey contained Likert scale type questions, yes/no questions, and a comment section after each question. The researcher mailed questionnaires to public relations directors of 49 public colleges and universities, and 28 practitioners responded.

The research supported the hypothesis that there is a relationship between the use of online technologies and the practitioners' perceived preference of certain audiences. For internal audiences, 71% of practitioners use online technologies, and 70% perceive internal audiences prefer them. For external audiences, 31% of practitioners use online technologies, and 40% perceive the external audiences prefer them. For media, 49% of practitioners use online technologies, and 54% perceive media prefer them.
