"Evaluation of Positive Behavior Support systems as it relates to teach" by Shawna Lyn Mulford

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. School Psychology


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Dihoff, Roberta

Committee Member 1

Allen, Terri


Positive Behavior Support systems, school-wide behavior support system, teacher satisfaction


Problem children--Behavior modification; Teachers--Job satisfaction


Educational Psychology


The purpose of this study is to examine if a significant difference exists among the job satisfaction levels of teachers working at schools in New Jersey with a Positive Behavior Support/School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (PBS/SWPBS) program approved by the New Jersey Positive Behavior Support in Schools (NJPBSIS), when compared to teachers working at schools in New Jersey without a PBS/SWPBS program. In 2012, a dissertation study conducted a survey of teacher morale and job satisfaction, which provided data sets used in this study. The sample data set is comprised of 542 surveys (n=542), with 22 surveys from teachers employed at schools with an implemented SWPBS program and 520 surveys from teachers employed at schools without an implemented SWPBS program. The largest group contained within the data set taught in the elementary school setting and of the entire data set extracted for purposes of this study (n=542), 431 respondents (80%) were female. The results of an independent t-test concluded that there is no significant difference between the reported job satisfaction levels of teachers working at schools in New Jersey with a PBS program when compared to teachers working at schools in New Jersey without a PBS program.
