"Voter apathy: why does it exist and what can be done to overcome it?" by Margaret F. Meehan

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in School Administration


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Kern, Robert W.


Community and school--New Jersey; Education--Political aspects--New Jersey; School elections--New Jersey


Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration


The purpose of this study was to ascertain why the stakeholders in the educational process do not participate in the annual school election and to identify and implement techniques that would motivate these stakeholders to go to the polls.

The population of this study consisted of the direct stakeholders in the annual school elections of the Washington Township School District. A disc containing a listing of the individuals who voted in the April 15, 2003, school election was obtained from the Gloucester County Board of Elections. A disc containing a listing of employees who share one of the six zip codes assigned to Washington Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey, was obtained. These two files were then matched up to ascertain how many school district employees who live within the boundaries of the township actually voted. An interview was requested from everyone who did not vote in the last election and from the PTO Presidents' Council. However, further study is needed to ascertain which strategy brought the voters to the polls.
