"An investigation into truancy reduction without increasing the drop ou" by Phillip C. Neff Jr.

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Educational Leadership


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Johnson, Ted


Paulsboro High School (Paulsboro, N.J.); High school attendance--New Jersey; High school dropouts--New Jersey--Prevention


Educational Leadership


The purpose of this internship was to acquire and enhance through a supervisory experience, the leadership skills necessary for a school administrator. The intern's research project focused on decreasing truancy without increasing drop out rate.

The intern analyzed data collected through the use of a survey. The survey was given to a general population of students which consisted of two different sampling strategies. One sample was a convenience sample of students from the intern's classes, the other sample was judgmental coming from the newly developed Alternative Education Program at Paulsboro High School.

The intern found several interesting correlations associated with drop out rate, while simultaneously finding trends which discredited previously held perceptions. Two related findings are: students with after school jobs are more likely to have better attendance rates than students without jobs, and students involved in extra-curricular activities are significantly less likely to be truant.

One of the intern's conclusions is that school districts with below average attendance rates should enhance the offerings they make to students concerning extracurricular activities.
