"A study of the Renaissance Program in a high school" by Christopher J. Nowak

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Educational Leadership


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Capasso, Ronald


Highland Regional High School (Blackwood, N.J.); Renaissance: Museums for Changing Lives (Program); Motivation in education--New Jersey


Educational Leadership


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness and validity of the Renaissance Program in a high school. The study involved the gathering of statistical data and conducting objective interviews. The resulting information provides the administration and the reader with an understanding of the importance of student motivational programs.

The focus of the study was to evaluate the change in performance of specific student indicators: attendance rates, dropout rates, discipline incidences, and motivation connected with grade retention rate, subject failure, and national honor society membership. The study obtained information on these indicators through statistical data from administration pertaining to high school students in ninth through twelfth grade and interviews with program coordinators. The use of these two types of information creates a better overview of the program effectiveness.

The findings of this study suggest that the difference noted in the performance indicators during the period of time the Renaissance Program was implemented, may have some positive effect. While the study indicated no significant improvement in most of the performance indicators, there was improvement overall in the total sample. The improvement suggests that the Renaissance Program has a positive impact on students.
