"The effects of NCLB on Whitehall Elementary School" by Cynthia T. Pritchett

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Educational Administration


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Capasso, Ronald


United States No Child Left Behind Act of 2001; Whitehall Elementary School (Monroe Twp., N.J.); Education and state--United States--History--21st century; Educational accountability--Law and legislation--United States


Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration


The purpose of this study is to research factual data regarding NCLB that relates to Whitehall Elementary School. The data were collected through many different resources such as internet web sites, books, newspaper articles, NCLB school district applications, and magazine articles. The purpose of the research was to avoid political opinion and concentrate on factual data. After a preliminary survey indicating various opinions of NCLB and a Corel WordPerfect presentation on NCLB fact finding, a final survey was presented to evaluate differences in opinion of a small school staff subgroup. The final survey was exactly the same as the first survey in order to control the findings. The data were analyzed and found a more positive reaction to NCLB than expected. The results of the study were insignificant because the subgroup that was surveyed represented only 20% of the staff. The data results were also skewed because the thirty minutes allotted to the presenter were not enough to complete the presentation.
