"A study of the creation of a pupil assistance committee improvement pl" by Donald M. Robertson III

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Degree Name

M.A. in School Administration


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Hurley, Dennis


Educational leadership--New Jersey; Student assistance programs--New Jersey


Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration


The Pupil Assistance Committee (PAC) was created by New Jersey's Department of Education to assist educators in identifying and implementing instructional strategies that would best address the needs of struggling students. PAC committees throughout the State face increased referral rates and limited program options, making for a frustrating situation. The Pupil Assistance Committee of the Dr. Joyanne D. Miller Elementary School is faced with these same problems. To reduce the feelings of frustration among the committee members and increase committee effectiveness a review of PAC procedures must take place and a renewed focus of PAC goals must be facilitated.

A transformational leadership approach was used to best utilize the individual members' strengths in the review process and promote a positive reaction from committee members.

The project resulted in an improved PAC committee by utilizing surveys and intern observation of the PAC committee. In considering staff input the committee addressed staff concerns and solicited faculty involvement in the PAC process.
