"Perceptions of public relations: key communicators share their opinion" by Kamali A. Brooks

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Degree Name

M.A. in Public Relations


Public Relations & Advertising


Ric Edelman College of Communication & Creative Arts


Bagin, Donald


Public relations


Public Relations and Advertising


This study had three main purposes: first, determine how key communicators (those who talk to many people on a daily basis and share their opinions with others) in today's society feel about the public relations field; second, show that positive public relations does take place; and third, change the negative perceptions society holds for public relations, so that public relations will lose its negative image.

The author used many sources to obtain research for this thesis, including Rowan University's on-line databases, the University of Delaware's on-line databases, Internet searches, the Rowan catalogue, DELCAT and Temple University.

The author collected data from 25 surveys, which were administered to key communicators throughout Delaware, New Jersey and Philadelphia.

From the survey results, the author concluded that most of the key communicators had positive perceptions about public relations. More importantly, they felt that public relations is very valuable. The respondents felt that Tylenol practiced good public relations and acted in an ethical manner. After reading the Tylenol case, the respondents had more positive perceptions of public relations than they did before reading the Tylenol case.
