"The professional roundtable: developing novice teachers" by Tanya Clark

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Education Administration


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Johnson, Ted


R.D. Wood School (Millville, N.J.); Teachers--Training of


Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration


The effects of a program developed for novice teachers are examined in this document. Data was derived from information obtained during interviews conducted by the intern, as well as entry and exit surveys. The study begins by addressing the nation's impending teacher shortage which can be linked to the retention of novice teachers. This section expounds upon the need to properly develop novice teachers in order to retain their services.

The next section is a review of the literature which explains the status of the educational system as it relates to novice teachers. Following this review, a design of the study is presented. The setting of the study was R.D. Wood School in Millville, New Jersey. Participants of the study consisted of classroom teachers with five or less years of service.

The program developed for this study was entitled, The Professional Roundtable. The program's development was constructed based on information gathered from interviews and surveys. The findings of this study indicate that the development of The Professional Roundtable was effective for developing novice teachers.
