"Collection development of non-Christian religious holiday books in ele" by Kelly Bigley Craig

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Degree Name

M.A. in School and Public Librarianship


Special Educational Services/Instruction


College of Education


Shontz, Marilyn


Children--Books and reading; Elementary school libraries--Collection development; Holidays


Library and Information Science


While many Christian holiday books for children are widely reviewed and available from mainstream publishers, it is more difficult to find and evaluate books about non-Christian holidays. Elementary library collections may under-represent non-Christian religious books because of a lack of school library media specialists' personal knowledge about non-Christian holidays. This study surveyed school library media specialists through a written questionnaire about the variety and size of their library's current collection of non-fiction books about non-Christian religious holidays, and determined how school library media specialists approach collection development in this area. The sample and population consisted of 124 elementary public school librarians in Atlantic, Ocean, and Cape May Counties.

Results showed that the collections of non-fiction religious holiday books were not very diverse, with more than half of the books owned reflecting Christian holidays. A large number of school library media specialists considered treatment of material and reading level as important criteria when selecting non-fiction books about religious holidays. Follett's Titlewave was the most commonly used selection source for nonfiction religious holiday books, with almost 80% of respondents using it.
