"Evaluation of custodial staff members" by Roseanne Donnelly

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in School Business Administration


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Kern, Robert


School custodians--Rating of


Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration


This study of custodial evaluation forms was conducted to develop or revise the current form being used in the Mt. Holly School District. Requests for information from surrounding school districts were used to find what similar-sized schools were using and whether they were effective. The sample included eleven school districts in Burlington County, New Jersey. The requests were faxed to the selected school districts requesting they fax back a copy of their current custodial evaluation methods and any written procedures. Interviews were also chosen to get the staff's perspective. The sample included five custodians, the Business Administrator, and the Facilities Supervisor at Mt. Holly School District. The interview process was designed to be brief and informal. It took place during regular business hours so no one would be inconvenienced. Certain important aspects were taken from the evaluation forms received from the participants in the study, the answers to the interview questions, and the literature review. The development of goals and the achievement of those goals and communication are two important aspects that were missing from the Mt. Holly School District's evaluation form. The study also suggested that more communication is needed between administration and the custodial staff.
