"The effects of grouping fourth grade students into cooperative learnin" by Kelly A. Hamlet

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in Teaching


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Robinson, Randall


Ability grouping in education; Fourth grade (Education)


Elementary Education and Teaching


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of fourth grade students working in cooperative learning groups. Students worked in three cooperative learning groups in order to determine whether grouping students heterogeneously into cooperative learning groups based on individual students' learning pattern would have a positive correlation with group and individual success. First students were grouped randomly and then homogeneously by learning pattern, and lastly heterogeneously by learning pattern. During each cooperative learning experience groups were expected to complete in-class group work. Students were then given a quiz and a test on the material covered during their cooperative learning groups. Moreover, students' ability to cooperate and complete the assignments was observed and recorded.

The findings of this study indicated that grouping fourth grade students into cooperative learning groups heterogeneously by learning patterns were overall more successful. The data indicated that students working in heterogeneous cooperative learning groups achieved a higher class average on in-class group assignments than the random and homogeneous groups based on learning pattern. However, not all data was statistically significant. Moreover, teacher-researcher's observations revealed that student participation, involvement, and cooperation among group members during heterogeneous cooperative groups was significantly better in comparison to both homogeneous and random cooperative groups.
