"Social studies and the internet" by Kristen Heider

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in Teaching


Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Education


College of Education


Monahan, Thomas


Internet in education; Social sciences--Study and teaching (Secondary)


Secondary Education and Teaching


This study sought to address two primary questions: (1) to determine if students' attitudes towards using the Internet as a resource changed as a result of their applying a web evaluation guide, and (2) to determine if the quality of students' research products improved as a result of web evaluation lessons. The ninth grade, world history students' familiarity and prior use of the Internet with research projects was assessed through a pre-survey as well as the review of their prior research papers and projects. Finally, taking into consideration progress and curriculum, research projects were assigned individually, allowing class time in the library to search for resources on the Internet and in print materials if applicable. The majority of the participants already possessed a firm understanding of the dangers and merits of the Internet. In general, whether it is from prior knowledge learned surfing the Internet at home or lesson plans designed and implemented by teachers in the classroom, students are ready to face the challenges of incorporating resources gleaned from the Internet into their educational experiences.
