"Funding and implementing a sixth grade environmental camping trip" by Stewart Potter

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Degree Name

M.A. in Educational Leadership


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Kern, Robert


Educational fund raising; Environmental education--Study and teaching (Elementary); Sixth grade (Education)


Educational Leadership


The focus of this study was to research methods to fund a sixth grade camping trip to Mt. Misery in Browns Mills, New Jersey. The local school budget was defeated, so a group of parent volunteers formed a group called P.A.N.T.H.E.R. (Parents And Neighbors Together Helping with Educational Resources) and began to think of ways to raise $32,498.10 so their children would enjoy the same experience as those students before them. The parent committee created a distributed a survey to all of the upcoming sixth grade parents on June 10, 2002. A total of 59.3% of the surveys were returned. The results of the survey showed that 20% of the parents would not pay for the total cost of the trip, which would be approximately $185.00, however 92% of the parents were willing to fund-raise to reduce the cost of the trip. After several fundraisers, including a very successful golf tournament, the parent committee was able to cut each child's cost by 68.2%. This gave each student the opportunity to attend the environmental camping trip.
