"An analysis of basic public relations needs of non-profit associations" by Jennifer Szwalek

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Degree Name

M.A. in Public Relations


Public Relations & Advertising


Ric Edelman College of Communication & Creative Arts


Bagin, Don


Nonprofit organizations--Public relations


Public Relations and Advertising


The purpose of this study was to analyze the basic public relations needs of nonprofit associations, tiered according to association structure.

A sample of 100 non-profit association executive directors, obtained from the International Association of Association Management Companies (IAAMC), were surveyed by e-mail and in-depth interviews on their public relations needs. Twenty percent of the sample chose to participate.

Online research was conducted at the Web sites of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) and within the Association Management Company (AMC) section, the International Association of Association Management Companies (IAAMC) and the Association Management Institute (AMCInstitute).

Research steps also were taken through a variety of research databases available at Rowan University Campbell Library.

Additional research was conducted through one-on-one informal conversations with a variety of association management personnel.

From the study, public relations needs within non-profit associations were noted based on association structure and budget and listed accordingly, thus creating a basis for composing non-profit association public relations plans.

The study reveals basic public relations needs of non-profit associations consistently vary, yet repeatedly tactical similarities among non-profit associations are found within common structural design.
