"A retrospective analysis of factors contributing to successful inclusi" by Erin L. Tibetts

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Learning Disabilities


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Urban, Stanley


Inclusive education


Disability and Equity in Education


The purpose of this study was to examine variables that are associated with successful placement of children with disabilities into regular education classroom settings. Subjects were children with varying disabilities that were placed in regular education classrooms in a single elementary school building. In each setting, in-class support was provided by a special education teacher. Data was gathered by an examination of records including grades and child study team information. Also, teachers were interviewed to provide their perceptions of elements that are necessary for success in the regular classrooms. Teachers also expressed their overall impressions of the in-class support model of service delivery. Results showed that most children were eligible for special education on the basis of specific learning disabilities. Child study team records indicated that there was no commonality among broad IQ ranges for each subject. Teacher interviews showed that pupil motivation, positive self-concept, and parental support were present in successful placements. Teachers also indicated that they were in favor of inclusion, and that they felt it was beneficial for special needs students to be included in mainstream settings.
