"Title IX Compliance in intercollegiate athletics" by Michelle Andre

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Higher Education


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Monahan, Thomas


National Collegiate New Jersey Athletic Association--Rules and practice; College sports; Educational equalization--Law and legislation--United States; Women athletes--Legal status, laws, etc.--New Jersey


Higher Education


The purpose of this research was to examine how institutions have been in compliance with Title IX at the New Jersey state schools that are part of the New Jersey Athletic Conference (NJAC) and are affiliated with the NCAA as Division III programs. The research was to show how these institutions felt they were in compliance and to explore whether they have met certain criteria and how programs have been dropped in order for institutions to meet a quota. I gathered my information via surveys. The subjects surveyed were both male and female athletic administrators at the state universities. Eighteen surveys were distributed to the institutions' athletic directors and senior women's administrators, and six were returned. The investigation shows that most administrators felt their institutions were in compliance with Title IX. The research also shows that programs that have been dropped are consistent with others being dropped throughout the country. The research seems to corroborate what the literature suggests, that is, that programs are being dropped and criteria are being met to meet a quota which was not the original intent of Title IX.
