"The role of professional advising in the liberal arts" by Kimberly Rose Poolos

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Higher Education


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Sisco, Burton R.

Committee Member 1

Walpole, Marybeth


Academic Advising, Experiential Learning, Impact of Advising, Liberal Arts, Liberal Arts Education, Professional Advising


Educational counseling; Vocational guidance; Experiential learning; Education, Humanistic


Higher Education


The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of professional academic advising in the liberal arts. This study focused on the impact of professional academic advising in the liberal arts. This study also focused on the extent to which professional administrators are involved in supporting the professional academic advisors. This was a Total Population Study since all five College of Humanities and Social Sciences embedded advisors participated in this study and the four administrators participated in this study. Qualitative research, through the use of 30 minute individual interviews, was used to collect data. Interview questions focused on demographic information, advising role, advising skills and education, post-graduation options, degree value, and any suggested changes. The research questions presented in Chapter I of this study were used to inform and develop the interview questions. Qualitative content analysis techniques, per Sisco (1981), were used in order to classify and categorize themes. Themes were presented through tables and illustrative quotes. The major finding of this study is just how critical experiential learning is to the success of Liberal Arts students. Additionally, professional academic advisors are critical in linking Liberal Arts students to these opportunities.
