"The effect of interactive bulletin boards on mathematics achievement i" by Kathleen M. Charlton

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Degree Name

M.S. in Teaching


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Robinson, Randall


Bulletin boards; Fourth grade (Education); Mathematics--Study and teaching (Elementary)


Elementary Education and Teaching


The purpose of this study was to determine what effect the use of interactive bulletin boards, when used as manipulative learning tools which reinforce basic arithmetic through repetition on a daily basis, have on the final marking period grades of fourth grade students. It was hypothesized that fourth grade students who experience the daily use of interactive bulletin boards that contain manipulative parts to reinforce basic arithmetic skills as a part of their mathematics instruction will exhibit significantly higher marking period grades in mathematics than students who do not experience such bulletin boards on a daily basis.

The design of the study was quasi-experimental with an experimental group of 23 students and a control group of 23 students. Prior to the treatment, second marking period numerical grades for mathematics were collected from both groups. After four weeks of use of an interactive bulletin board in mathematics lessons in the experimental group, third marking period grades were collected from both groups. A series of t-tests at the .05 alpha level showed no significant difference in achievement between the control and experimental groups.
