"The awareness and use of standards-based mathematics curriculums in se" by Nancy D. Ciandella

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Subject Matter Teaching: Mathematics


Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math Education


College of Education


Milou, Eric


Education--Standards--New Jersey; Mathematics--Study and teaching (Secondary)--New Jersey


Science and Mathematics Education


The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge and usage of specific standards-based mathematics curriculums in the southern New Jersey area.

A three-part survey was developed and sent to department chairpersons in 135 secondary schools in eight southern New Jersey counties. Part one of the survey determined the population characteristics and participant information. Part two was utilized to determine currently used mathematics curriculums. In part three, mathematical philosophy was determined from responses to Likert scale questions. An analysis of the survey included tallies of currently used curriculums, knowledge of standards-based mathematics programs, and a correlation of mathematical philosophies to these curriculums.

The analysis indicated that only 10(16.7%) schools participating in the survey use one of the five named standards-based mathematics programs. Knowledge of these curriculums varied. Of the five researched curriculums, teachers were most knowledgeable about Interactive Mathematics Program, Math Connections, and Core-Plus. Fifty percent reported limited or no knowledge of all five curriculums. Teachers agreed with the philosophies behind standards-based mathematics curriculums. On questions that positively correlate to these curriculums, a majority of teachers agreed or strongly agreed with the statements. Negative correlations were not as strong, indicating some traditional beliefs involving calculator usage and arithmetic manipulation.
