"Electronic Teacher Portfolio" by Linda H. Drucker and Marguerite A. Paolone

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Elementary Teaching


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Molinari, Louis


Educational technology; Portfolios in education; Teachers


Elementary Education and Teaching


The purpose of this research project is to determine the value of using an electronic teacher portfolio to document instructional methods and strategies. Research suggested the possible use of electronic portfolios by teachers to compile genuine representations of their personal style, creativity, and methodology.

As models of electronic teacher portfolios were limited, we created a template using HyperStudio 4.0 and an accompanying guidebook, so teachers could easily create a personalized electronic teacher portfolio.

To evaluate the guidebook's ease of use, we disseminated the materials to one technologically experienced teacher and one with basic computer knowledge. While creating their own electronic portfolio using our template and guidebook, they made written notations on the user-friendly nature of the design model which were discussed at the end of the testing process.

After careful analysis, changes to wording in several areas of the guidebook were made to refine directions and make the guidebook more understandable and easy to use. We concluded that there were limitations inherent in the HyperStudio authoring tool, which precluded easy insertion of crisp, clear graphic images and video clips.
