"An evaluation of the effectiveness of the McGraw-Hill Mathematics Seri" by Margaret C. Green

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Degree Name

M.A. in Learning Disabilities


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Urban, Stanley


Inclusive education; Mathematics--Study and teaching (Primary); Second grade (Education)


Disability and Equity in Education


This study examined the effectiveness of using the McGraw-Hill Mathematics Series with second grade inclusion students. Two students were pretested in October of 2001, using the final test from the Silver Burdett Mathematics Series for first graders. In March of 2002, they were tested again using the same test. The tests were compared to see what areas the students made improvement in since October. The students were also given the McGraw-Hill Cumulative Test for second grade on chapters 1-6. This was given in order to further assess the their competence on the skill areas presented in this series so far over the course of the year. During the course of this research project, the students were instructed by both teachers in the inclusion classroom, given strategy instruction, and allowed the use of manipulatives as needed. After reviewing both pre and post test scores and analyzing the errors that were made, it appears that both students have progressed with this mathematics series. This researcher feels that the McGraw-Hill Series is effective for use with inclusion students.
