"Increasing social relationships among kindergartners using peer report" by Christine A. Gruenler

Date Approved


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Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in Teaching


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Robinson, Randall


Kindergarten; Social skills in children


Elementary Education and Teaching


This study focused on increasing the social relationships of kindergarten students using peer reporting. This method encouraged children to use social skills on the playground. In addition, the students were encouraged to report the observed use of social skills to be recognized by their classmates. The subjects of the study included an experimental group of 20 kindergarten students and a control group of 21 kindergarten students, both located in an elementary school in a rural area of southern New Jersey. Social relationships were measured by the number of tattle tales on the playground, whereas tattletaling indicated that there were diminished social relationships. The students were subjected to six social skill lessons. Following playground activities, the students met as a group and were encouraged to report the use of social skills that were observed. A leaf was placed on a bulletin board tree with the child's name and social skill used. The data consisted of the amount of tattletaling before and during intervention. The results appear to indicate that the students exposed to the intervention decreased the frequency of antisocial peer reporting. The children who were not exposed to the intervention experienced an increase in antisocial peer reporting.
