"Design a discipline code with staff that reflects board policy and pro" by Margaret L. Haynes

Date Approved


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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Educational Leadership


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Capasso, Ronald


Elementary schools; School discipline


Educational Leadership


The purpose of this study was to develop an acceptable set of discipline guidelines developed by the teachers for the new K-4 structure to begin the next school year. The intern wanted to determine whether a discipline code created by the teachers as stakeholders was more acceptable to the staff because it helps to improve the learning environment. The committee was comprised of one teacher from each of the K-4 levels as well as a resource teacher. The intern served as facilitator. The principal was also invited to attend the meetings. This project took about seven months to complete. The first meeting occurred in September where the purpose was explained, goals set and members assigned tasks of obtaining information. A questionnaire was formulated and distributed to the staff of the building. Over the next few months all information was reviewed and discussed. The information that was chosen for the discipline guidelines had to be in line with the School Board Policy on discipline. Data collected informally through interviews was summarized using charts. The questionnaire results were presented in a report to the committee. The entire staff received the report and findings at a spring meeting. The plan will be implemented in the fall.
