"Marketing plans for convention and visitors bureaus: a content analysi" by Kelli Kennedy

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Degree Name

M.A. in Public Relations


Public Relations & Advertising


Ric Edelman College of Communication & Creative Arts


Litwin, Larry


Convention facilities--Marketing; Visitors' centers--Marketing


Public Relations and Advertising


The major purpose of this study was to identify convention sales marketing and public relations trends by conducting a content analysis of the tactics in CVB convention marketing plans. By identifying both the common and unique public relations elements in marketing plans, CVBs can draw a relationship between public relations tactics and the success of reaching their mission statements in their own marketing plans.

Five cities' convention and visitors bureaus in the Eastern region of the U.S. were selected. These cities are Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. The researcher obtained three complete marketing plans, one telephone interview and one marketing plan summary. The researcher then constructed a matrix by which to analyze the trends in the marketing and public relations tactics.

The following conclusions were found:

(a) Familiarization trips appear to be the most obvious trend. Four out of five marketing plans included this as a tactic.

(b) The CVBs' web sites were not included as a marketing or public relations tactic.

(c) No methods of feedback were identified in four out five marketing plans.

(a) Familiarization trips appear to be the most obvious trend. Four out of five marketing plans included this as a tactic.

(b) The CVBs' web sites were not included as a marketing or public relations tactic.

(c) No methods of feedback were identified in four out five marketing plans.
