"The effects of sleep patterns on academic performance among school-age" by Evelyn M. Rosa

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in School Psychology


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Dihoff, Roberta

Committee Member 1

Klanderman, John


Academic achievement; School children; Sleep


Educational Psychology


The purpose of this study was to assess the effects that sleep patterns have on a student's academic performance. The study intended to determine if sleep disruptions affect a student's capacity to learn at school by comparing a group of students with disrupted sleep patterns to a comparison group. The sample size was n-46, with 28 female students and 18 male students. The participants involved were from an inner city middle school and were of Caucasian, African American, Asian, and Hispanic descent. The students' sleep patterns were monitored over a course of several months through self-report method. The students were required to complete a weekly log sheet, reporting the number of times, if any, the students had an awake period during the course of the night. Academic performance was measured through grade point averages. A multiple regression analysis was used to assess if any significant correlation existed between sleep patterns (disrupted or undisrupted) and academic performance (grade point average). The analysis of the data collected failed to reveal any significant correlation between sleep patterns and academic performance. Although students with undisrupted sleep patterns did reveal higher grade point averages then those students with disrupted sleep patterns.
