"Service learning – facilitating academic learning and development of s" by Kathleen E. White

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Supervision and Curriculum Development


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Johnson, Ted


Behavior disorders in children; Learning disabled children--Study and teaching; Social skills--Study and teaching


Curriculum and Instruction


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a service learning project in raising the civic responsibility, social skills, and academic skills of special education students, while meeting the needs of homeless individuals living in Callalily County, New Jersey. Service learning provided an opportunity for student growth. Students learned to be dependable, solve problems, and learned cooperation and teamwork, while increasing their academic skills.

The study involved three classrooms of special education students: one elementary class of students with behavioral disabilities, one middle school class of students with behavioral disabilities, and one high school class of students with multiple disabilities. Pre and post surveys were given to the students to measure their attitudes toward community service, civic responsibility, and academic coursework. Results from the pre and post survey were compared to determine the effectiveness of the project. Qualitative data analysis was used to organize the information from both surveys into categories and data reduction was completed using a coding process. The report was descriptive in nature.

Major findings of the study concluded that service learning was a viable and useful educational method used to enhance and improve the civic, social, and academic skills of special education students.
