"The relationship between personality and alcohol abuse among college s" by Amanda L. Alexander

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in School Psychology


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Klanderman, John

Committee Member 1

Dihoff, Roberta


Alcoholism; College students--Psychology; Personality


Educational Psychology


Alcohol abuse is a widespread problem on college campuses. It can lead to social, academic and physical consequences. Motivating factors for alcohol abuse include stress reduction, social acceptance and personality. The purpose of the present study was to determine a link between alcohol abuse and personality. The study has 53 female participants ranging in age from 18 to 26. It was hypothesized that females classified as binge drinkers would score significantly higher or lower on certain personality facets compared to females classified as non-binge drinkers. The IPILP-NEO and an alcohol use questionnaire were used to assess each participant's ranking on personality facets and to classify participants as binge or non-binge drinkers. Non-parametric, independent t-tests were used to determine significance. The present study classified 50% of the participants as binge drinkers. Statistical analysis determined that each of the six null hypotheses should be rejected. The results of the present study support previous research which advocates determining those who are at risk for alcohol abuse in order to develop adequate prevention and intervention programs.
