"Using the Four Square strategy to enhance math problem-solving" by Andrea Gerrard


Andrea Gerrard

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Learning Disabilities


Language, Literacy, and Special Education


College of Education


Kuder, S Jay


Mathematics--Study and teaching


Elementary Education and Teaching


This study examined whether the use of the Four Square problem-solving strategy would improve the math problem-solving performance of students who receive supplemental services for language arts literacy and mathematics from a basic skills teacher or a special education teacher. The Four Square strategy was used in conjunction with the enVision math series. It was also used during all problem-solving lessons. Students' growth in math problem-solving was measured using the enVision problem-solving pre- and post-test and the Measure of Academic Progress Test (MAP). Students showed growth on the enVision test. The students showed work when solving problems instead of just selecting one of the available answer choices and were able to increase the number of questions correct on the assessment. Students did show growth on the MAP test. They were able to close the gap between other students in the sixth grade who receive supplemental services for language arts literacy and mathematics from a basic skills teacher. The results indicate that the Four Square strategy can be a useful way to enhance students' problem-solving skills. The Four Square strategy allowed students to take ownership of their problem-solving skills and to improve these skills throughout the study.
